
Showing posts from March, 2017

Why Gang Signs& Prayer is so important

I'm aware i'm about a month late to the Gang Signs & Prayer hype,but that's due to the fact I've spent the past month  listening to it on repeat,because who knew a grime album could make you feel at least a hundred different emotions in the space of an hour. I was first aware of  the wonder that is Stormzy about a year and half ago when my Spotify decided to play me WickedSkengMan 4 (yes i am a cheapskate and rely on the wonder that is free Spotify) and from then on i spent at least a week listening to everything of his that was available,which at the time wasn't a lot and there's only so many times, you can listen to the classic that is Shut Up. Although  my love and appreciation for grime isn't all that huge, i understand how important this album is to the grime community, and of course to Stormzy himself, because if i'm honest its kind of hard not to love the person he is and the music he makes. If not having an album that everyone and they m...