New Year New breakdown
hello!! happy new year glad tidings and all that bollocks,hope christmas was good ,hope you didn’t kill any of your right winged older family members i know i almost did,but hey! it’s over for another twelve months thank fuck,although will admit the house looks dull now all the christmas decorations have been taken down,has our living room always been this beige? let’s be real here 2017 was a massive shit show for all of us from the orange baby man somehow weeding his way into the White House (i honestly still have no clue how he did it) to a ridiculous amount of terror attacks war and a whole load of heart break i think we can all agree that last year was a shit show, with the expectation of about three gleaming moments of hope,all in all last year was pretty shit. and inevitably just like i do every year, i had a few (a lot) of breakdowns, and I’m sure this year will be no different because well it’s me and I’m bound to freak out about something,and go into a depressive hole...