Over Sexualisation With Pop Stars And Pop Culture.
Over Sexualisation of Pop stars and Pop culture in 2015?Surely Not. I’ve never really understood why pop stars feel the need to over sexualize their music videos, or an online presence of themselves, I mean don’t get me wrong the majority of so called pop stars or musicians who have a huge following and fan base behind them don’t feel the need to over sexualize everything they do. But after witnessing the mess that is Nicki Minaj’s anaconda video I feel like that’s the case now a day’s. So why now all of a sudden in 2015 why is it now seen as okay to use your social platform to over sexualize almost everything you do? Why is it such a huge problem and how it did all start? Was it due to Rihanna’s raunchy video for pour it up? Or did it start when Miley Cyrus made an appearance back on to pop scene in 2013 when she released we cant stop? , I have no clue but maybe its because everyone seems to think if you sexualize a product or female enough it will sell more copies. Its not...