Poppie's Stranded List.

Poppies’ Stranded List

Week three, and another Stranded List, on this week’s stranded list, we have the most emo person I think ive ever met, even though now four years later she tries and disguises it by loving Wolf Alice more than maybe anything ever, however she doesn’t fool me I would say she’s still pretty high up on the emo list, it’s the Alex Turner to my Miles Kane its Poppie.

After discovering her Twitter whilst going ham in the You Me At Six tag way back in the joyous year that was 2012, I came across the best @ possibly ever and that was poptw4t (bring back poptw4t I miss her) and from there on we’ve been friends ever since, although we stuck together though both of our emo and extreme Arctic Monkey phrase’s and trust me it was an intense year and a half, we’ve become closer in the past year and a bit over Poppies’ wonderful Tinder adventure’s, our texts over the beauty that is Harry Styles and how his solo’s had given me some kind of heart palpation, and of course not forgetting  my weekly phone call to her about how I was having yet another crisis and how one could no longer hack the sesh that is life.

Now if that hasn’t bonded us together then it was the fact that we oddly look like we could be sisters or distant cousins (I still don’t see it but ive been told many a time) so before I embrass her any further because I’m pretty sure she’s cringed at least three times already whilst reading this, again you are welcome, pops this is what I’m here for. So without further a do I give you Poppies’ Stranded List I hope you enjoy.

You Me At Six- No One Does It Better taken from the album Sinners Never Sleep
It would be wrong of me to pick ten songs and not tip my hat to my old thirteen-year-old emo self, You Me At Six represent the most rebellious stage in my life, full of thick eyeliner and backcombed fringe’s, this song in terms of lyrics is pretty meaningless to me but it was definitely my most played song on my iPod Nano for at least three years.

Wolf Alice- Bros taken from the album My Love Is Cool
This and the next song are currently by my favourite band, lead by the beautiful Ellie Roswell the female vocals are not only gorgeous, but also enthuse that feminist pride side of me too. Bros holds a dear place in my heart as it was the first song that I feel in love with, by this band, but it also reminds me of the adventures that me and my best mates have, including cutting our hair way to short and running around the small town of Buckingham drinking Strongbow in a field. I am also planning on getting a tattoo with the lyrics “you keep me safe, I keep you strong”.

Wolf Alice- Silk taken from the album My Love Is Cool
This song holds a strong place on this list, when going through a rough time with a mix of depression and the wonder that is A levels, this song really stood out as a recovery song to me.

Childish Gambino-L.E.S taken from the album Camp
Childish Gambino is not only the most fun artist to rap along to but he also reminds me of when me and Liam first started dating, it came as a surprise to him when I rapped along to this song, which then led him dropping it in to his group chat, when asked for a relevant lyric he replied with “movie ass not a ten but a super 8” I do now however have complete confidence in my butt.

Lillias White- I Wont Say (I’m In Love) taken from the Hercules soundtrack
Not only is this Disney song my jam and also from my favourite Disney film, it also represents my love life before I met Liam and how my heart always rushed in head first, plus it’s the only Disney song I can actually sing in key.

Phil Collins- You’ll Always Be In My Heart taken from the Tarzan soundtrack
Phil Collins is such beautiful artist, the whole Tarzan soundtrack is amazing and this is such a gorgeous song I know I will sing this song to my children as a lullaby.

Busted- Loser Kid taken from the album Busted
Busted were my favourite band when I was about six/ seven the band that kick started my rock band obsession, I even asked for Charlie Simpson for Christmas one year and cried when the big turned out to be a doll’s house and not actually him. This song reflects my situation at the time as being slightly overweight, I was bullied and I did feel like the “loser kid”.

Sugarbabes- Too Lost In you taken from the album Overloaded
Love Actually. Do I say anymore? Watching Andrew Lincoln having a bit of a breakdown over Kiera Knightley finding out his secret crush mirrors completely how I would feel after losing a deep connection from a tinder adventure.

The 1975- Settle Down taken from the album The 1975
The 1975 are the best and worse band on the planet, with their indie pop and electronic sound it never fails to boost my mood especially this song, the lyrics “you’re cold and I burn I guess I’ll never learn” it evokes memories of past lovers and shivers from Matty’s pitch change.

Bad Bad Hats- Things We Never Say taken from the album Psychic Reader
This song appears on the list for one reason that reason is Liam. Four months into our relationship he created a playlist of mostly too indie song for me to listen to, but this little gem stuck with me and made its way onto my everyday driving playlist, the last lyrics “I want to be the one that says good night” are the truest to us as a couple, as we always make sure we’ve said good night or I love you, before sleeping, which has lead to a lot of right hour FaceTime sessions.

Question Time (don’t worry its not political)

1.” So whilst your stranded in this place anywhere in the world you have three books to read what are they?” 
Fergus Crane by Paul Stewart
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Harry Potter and the half blood prince by J.K Rowling

2.” You have three luxury items to keep you occupied what are they”
A boat- Not to escape or anything, just to go out and catch fish with.
A pillow after sleeping for three weeks without on in Nicaragua, sleeping on the floor without one wasn’t all that fun.
Pen knife I can stab things with it I guess.

3. Now you could be stranded for a while so what would your last supper be, it can be from anywhere or anything you want in the world”.
 Starter- Wagamama’s lollipop prawns
Main- Lobster, crab and chips (loads of chips)
Desert- bread and butter pudding

4.” If there was anyone in the world you could be stuck with in this place, dead or alive who would you pick and why?”
Liam for the obvious reason that he’s my right hand man in life bit also for practical reasons, he is always warm so I will have my personal hot water with me, and Liam is an out doorsy type of person, he’s basically my own Bear Gryles but you know without the eating and drinking his own piss thing, he’s also a foot taller than me, he can get them mango’s. The second person would be Lin Mandel Miranda because boy can he sing, not only would I be able to experience the Hamilton soundtrack in person every night but also I want a preview of the soundtrack to the new Disney film.

5.” If you could any smell in the world bottled what would it be and why?”
This is gonna sound weird but I love the smell of someone who has just woken up from a long sleep and they smell all warm and sleepy, especially my puppy Alfie he smells so good after a sleep.

Listen to the Spotify playlist below.


  1. Learnt so much of how music has grown these special and slightly nutty girls into amazing women


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