
Showing posts from December, 2017

lil life update!!!

life update  bonjour! hello hi,how are we all?we good? bit cold isn’t it like the sort of cold where you get frostbite on your ass and you feel your nipples may or may not fall off at any given moment. wow okay yeah no that was a bit too much information but hey ho lets carry on. it’s been a while but then again it’s been a while since ive done literally anything, but i thought i would do a little update because i miss me little blog very much  the past four months haven’t been the easiest nor the hardness, between starting uni,the threat of my nana not being well,starting a new job and my mental health getting just a tiny bit better and then of course  increasing worse (it’s a bit messy at the moment) i haven’t had the chance to sleep let alone have a creative outlet which has now taken it’s toll on me and I’m itching to doing something like literally anything. theres been so many things that I’ve wanted to write about or you know in my case force my o...