lil life update!!!
life update
bonjour! hello hi,how are we all?we good? bit cold isn’t it like the sort of cold where you get frostbite on your ass and you feel your nipples may or may not fall off at any given moment. wow okay yeah no that was a bit too much information but hey ho lets carry on.
it’s been a while but then again it’s been a while since ive done literally anything, but i thought i would do a little update because i miss me little blog very much
the past four months haven’t been the easiest nor the hardness, between starting uni,the threat of my nana not being well,starting a new job and my mental health getting just a tiny bit better and then of course increasing worse (it’s a bit messy at the moment) i haven’t had the chance to sleep let alone have a creative outlet which has now taken it’s toll on me and I’m itching to doing something like literally anything.
theres been so many things that I’ve wanted to write about or you know in my case force my opinion upon people, the obvious one being of course the sexual allegations against possibly every male actor in Hollywood but i feel the moment has now passed so for now all I have to say is FUCK literally every male ever and i have and always will the upmost respect for every person that has come forward and told the world that this is the sort of behaviour we condone and have done for years,it makes me so proud to see so many strong and brave people come forward and show the world that these are the sorts of people they are,and i pray that something will FINALLY change.
so i hear you ask what else has been going on?i started a new job that i thought be incredible and so exciting but turns out the reality is that it’s draining and a bit shit,ooh and let us not forget that it’s made my mental health just that tiny bit worse and by tiny bit i mean massively worse. i have many stories to tell about this job but unfortunately those stories will have to be for another time.
From trying to juggle working full time,uni,making sure i don’t have a mental breakdown every day and only having one every two days instead and having some form of a social life things have been well difficult to say the least and things are still difficult but I’m trying my hardest to take things one day at a time.
I feel as if I’ve aged about twelve years in the past four months I am no longer libby the nineteen year old oh no kind sir i am now libby the 32 struggling though life,is this my life is now?has it finally happened am i finally an adult? do i finally have to take responsibility for a whole load of things that i didn’t sign up for? is this what adulthood feels like because if it is I would like a full refund.i should of really listened the 150 times i got told to enjoy being young because it’s about to get messy and yes i am aware i am still a mere child on the grand scale of things but i definitely do not feel that way.
a question that i got asked the other day that initially made me laugh and then made me panic and then made me think was “how’s your love life,are you dealing okay with your heartbreak?”and yes the despite my last relationship ended over six months ago (I’m still not over the fact it was by text either),i am very much a mess and yes i am still making all them post break up stupid decisions you make for example going on a “date” (I’m gonna use that term very fucking lightly) with someone i barely knew and he barely understood what no meant which then in turn restated my thoughts that pretty much all men are a bit shit (apart from harry styles of course) and i should stay away for a long old time so that’s what I’m doing I’m on strike until further notice.
so as it is starts to approach the end of the year thank fuck for that and the countdown for star wars begins HALLELUJAH I’ve got loads of ideas for this blog and for myself of course because christ knows i need to actually look after myself next year (i know i won’t but hey let’s be optimistic) i really wanna start fresh with this blog and actually make time for it and try to not force myself to write or make something that i think is going to change the world, because i really do not have the time and turns out it’s actually not that easy to do that it’s kind of you know really hard.
so for now I’m going to continue listening to the wonderful words of my queen Stevie nicks and think about all the form of potatoes i can eat over Christmas because we are all aware of how much i enjoy a potato or twelve and think of new ways to be like Stevie or Patti Smith without it being so obvious any suggestions will be welcomed xo
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