The World is falling apart and I’m very fragile.
The World is falling apart and I’m very fragile.
Well, who would have thought it? It’s only taken a pandemic
and the world for it to essentially fall out of its ass, to make me want to
start writing again. As you can imagine the impending doom that is hovering
over all of us at the moment, and of course not to mention my best mate raging
anxiety, have all made for a lovely long stint of the spicy boys meaning I’ve
not wanted to do anything for the best part of a month.
So for the past month, all I’ve done is live vicariously through
my animal crossing, and watch all six seasons of Sex And The City, which I
would argue is a very productive way to spend your time in quarantine, I did
also turn twenty-two and reach my full potential of Karen the wine mum. But due
to current circumstances, I have decided that my birthday did in fact, not
happen and therefore I am still only twenty-one. So, all in all, a very good
month I would argue?
It is a well-known fact that I tend to have an existential
crisis or just general mental health breakdown around my birthday every year, and
of course, this year was no exception. On top of the annual breakdown, I have
now become what I can only describe as a very shitty and British version of
Carrie Bradshaw. But you know minus the Manhattan
apartment, the column in a New York
newspaper and the dating, so, in turn, nothing like Carrie Bradshaw. (Listen in
my mind I have channeled my inner Carrie, and I am her but you know minus the
problematic shit that she comes out with.)
The past couple of weeks, months, years who knows at this
point, time is an illusion and being outside for longer than an hour, is a myth,
a big old ancient myth. However long it's been since this shit show started as
been massively difficult for everyone, not just me, that goes without saying,
this is the weirdest start to a year we’ve ever had and I don’t think that’s
about to change anytime soon. I think we’ve all got pretty used to this bizarre
state of living now, it’s become the new ‘normal’ which it shouldn’t be because
I mean this is far from normal. My pasta intake as increased from twice a week to four times a week and I don’t know how much more pasta I can take, which is
something I thought I would never say.
Again probably just like everyone else possibly ever, my
mental health is starting to fall apart once more, and when I say starting I
mean it already has fallen apart, and it’s in tatters and will be for the
foreseeable. I feel beyond fragile in every sense, like when this is all over
and I can FINALLY see everyone, I honestly don’t know what I will do. I’ve got
so used to this sorry state of living now, that seeing actual people again
scares me, like even when I go to Tesco, seeing actual people confuses and
scares me like what do you mean other people exist?
If I can sum up how I feel both physically and emotionally
at the moment, I would say I feel like an undercooked chip, I’m greasy and I feel
as if I might snap at any given moment. If we’re being honest I’m SO impressed with
myself that I’m six weeks into being isolated, and only this week have I
watched lost in translation, which is my version of therapy it has the same
effect and it cost nothing so I would argue it’s just as effective as actual
therapy. I have also started passively-aggressively listening to The Smiths, (I
know you’re probably wondering how can you listen to The Smiths and be passive
aggressive, but trust me it works.) suddenly its seven years ago and I’m
fifteen again.
And just like seven years ago I’m still fighting the good
fight with the spicy boys, listening to Hateful Of Hollow and wondering if I
should dye my hair back to black, and cut a full fringe back in. Apparently
some things never change and it took me a pandemic to realize nothing’s really
changed in the past seven years, and I haven’t really either, a terrifying
thought, or maybe its just the shit show of the world currently that has sent
me back to the person I was seven years ago?
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