Is there such a thing as the ‘one’ updated

A year and a half ago I wrote a very angry blog post about if there was such a thing as the one, I was fresh out of an in hindsight not so great relationship and I was angry, and bitter reading back on what I wrote I can't get through a paragraph without physically cringing and hating myself more then I did beforehand. So I thought what better time to revisit past libs because shockingly what I wrote all that time ago still resonates with me and although my opinions have slightly altered, it’s all still pretty relevant. So here we are nearly two years later and still wondering if there is such a thing as the one?

For someone that has a track record as bad as mine when it comes to toxic relationships, I should really have a gold medal or something because I seem to be real good at picking out the pieces of the shit in the world and then spending between six months or a cheeky three years of my life trying to convince myself that it can’t be that bad side note it always is that bad. Considering all my past relationships before this one were toxic and all in all a bit shit, rather than deciding to break that chain, I decided eh one more can’t hurt, can it?

As previously mentioned I had just got out of a relationship with someone who I thought I adored, and in turn, they adored me, but in retrospect that was not the case at all. The red flags were EVERYWHERE in this relationship, and boy was I blind or I mean just a bit idiotic for ignoring them, and passing them off as affectionate and love. Just a little PSA for everyone if someone you met off Tinder tells you they think they’re in love with you after six hours of you first meeting each other you RUN and never look back, also another little footnote for you all don’t date a Virgo, just don’t.

Now I don’t know if it was the heat of the summer two years ago or just my adolescence but I really thought this was it, I had found the one the dating of fuck heads was over! Again in hindsight, he was not the one nor was he a good person he falls straight into the category of fuckheads.

 A lot of what I wrote about back then still makes a lot of sense to me, I still agree with the majority of what I thought, having been so blind-sighted by films, books, tv and just all round a lot of people telling you that there’s one person for you in this world of 8 billion people, of course, you're going to believe that from a young age. And to some degree, I do still believe that there is someone for everyone but it's not always going to be just one person, it’s a handful of people romantically and platonically.

For once as I write this I am not single for once shocking I know. I’m with someone that is truly wonderful and does not fall into the category of weird or is a fuckhead, success she did it, boys! In regards to my relationship now do I think he is the ‘one’ no not really, but the thought of not being with him or having in my life makes me want to cry for days on end and I can't think of it for longer than two minutes, because it feels like my heart is going to combust from sadness. I mean sometimes I daydream about the future and somehow he’s always there no matter what and it’s not a bad thing I like it, like a lot. So does that mean he is the ‘one?’ but not in the conventional dramatic way you imagine it to be, it’s not the last twenty minutes of four weddings and a funeral.

Something else I can now do is watch Hugh Grant films without having a full-blown breakdown afterward, I mean of course I still cry my eyes out and need to resume the foetal position for a good hour, but it’s not the big song and dance that it used to be, she’s done some growing and we love to see it. Like with most things when they come to an end you learn from them and you grow from them and mama mia have I grown I don’t even recognize the person I was back then, she was a sad bitter heartbroken mess who looked for comfort and love in all the wrong places and people.

I agree with some of the things I wrote, I mean I can hardly get through what I wrote due to the fact I have to stop and cringe at my past self every time I find that takes a good half an hour out of my day every time. But I do still agree with the idea of the ‘one’ of course I do, but it can’t just be one person, I’m not dismissing my past feelings and saying that I didn’t believe this person was the one, of course, I did I was naive and in love. But just like all of my relationships I’ve ever been in, of course, you think the person your with is the one in some way or another because that’s what love is, I suppose.

I’ve found the one in all sorts of ways and with all sorts of people, and I still stand by the fact that the only true love that will last a lifetime is and will always be Stevie Nicks and crisps obviously.


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